博彩平台推荐 Scholars' Day is held to recognize and celebrate all the wonderful, innovative academic work 博彩平台推荐 学生 are doing.

荣誉学院和本科生研究办公室自豪地赞助了博彩平台推荐学者日. We hope you will join us for this year's conference on Tuesday, 4月23日, 2024, from 12:30-5:00PM

博彩平台推荐 Scholars' DayUndergraduate Research Conference

student presenting

博彩平台推荐 Scholars' Day

Undergraduate Research Conference

人: Any undergraduate at the University of West Georgia, regardless of major, is invited to submit an abstract for presentation. 所有教师, 工作人员, 学生, 并鼓励其他感兴趣的社区成员参加会议.

什么: We invite research or creative works presentations in the following formats:

  • Oral Presentation (for individual submission or full panels/sessions)
  • Poster Presentation (for research or creative works)
  • Visual Arts Presentation (for sculpture, painting, photography, etc.)
  • Performance Presentation (for drama, music, theater, creative writing, etc.)

Getting InvolvedInvolvement and Deadline

Students and 教师 at the conference

Getting Involved

Involvement and Deadline

地点: 2024年的会议将在校园中心宴会厅举行,供学生展示海报. The student presentation sessions' location is TBD.

当: 4月23日, 2024, 12:30-5:00PM

How to Get Involved: Submissions will open in January 2024.

For submission details and a description of the presentation formats, read the presentation information below.

Submit an Abstract

Submissions are closed.

Further DetailsPresentations, Guidelines, and Convocation

Oral Presentation (for Individual Submissions)

口头报告的长度为15分钟,另外每人有5分钟的提问时间. 提交的论文可以集中在任何学科,并将由遴选委员会审查并分组到3-4篇论文的跨学科小组/会议. 

提出口头报告的学生应提交一份写得很好的200字摘要,总结学生的研究, including outcomes. 除了, 摘要应该以一般学术读者可以理解的术语清楚地说明项目的意义,并清楚地传达学生的原始分析, 至关重要的, or creative contribution to his or her discipline.

Panel/Session Presentation

一组学生可以提交一份由三篇论文组成的小组/会议提案,论文可以是一个学科或跨学科的. 每个小组/会议的学生将有15分钟的时间来展示他们的论文,并为每位演讲者分配额外的5分钟提问时间. 

Students proposing a panel/session should 每一个 独立 submit a 200 word abstract. 摘要提交将要求学生列出其他演讲者的姓名和电子邮件,三份摘要将被分组为一个小组报告. 

Poster Presentation

学生可以在海报环节展示原创研究或创意作品. 研究应以标准海报的形式呈现(进一步的说明和信息将发送给被接受的海报展示者). 学生和他们的指导老师应该仔细阅读下面的海报设计指南信息.

希望参加海报会议的学生提交一份写得很好的200字摘要,总结学生的研究, including outcomes. 除了, 摘要应该以一般学术读者可以理解的术语清楚地说明项目的意义,并清楚地传达学生的原始分析, 至关重要的, or creative contribution to his or her discipline.

Visual Arts Presentation

希望参加视觉艺术展示的学生应提交一份写得很好的200字摘要,总结学生的艺术作品. 除了, 摘要应以一般学术读者可以理解的方式清楚地说明项目的意义,并清楚地传达学生对其学科的创造性贡献.  Students should also upload at least 5 images of their work.

Performing Arts Presentation


提出表演报告的学生应提交200字的摘要,描述表演及其意义. 学生应该表达他们对学科的原创性、批判性和创造性的贡献. 

  1. Posters should be printed prior to the conference. 接受海报演示者将收到关于如何创建他们的海报演示的完整说明和信息. Please see the directions below.
  2. The recommended maximum size for posters is 36" x 48" Landscape.  (在现场演示活动中,通常提供36“X 48”尺寸的海报板,可以使用横向或纵向格式,也可以调整为24 X 36格式.)  If you would like to use alternative dimensions, please contact the OUR.
  3. 你的海报应该以一种不言自明的方式呈现你想要的信息. It's telling a story. See the 3 X 3 rule: “The “3 - 3规则” 一般来说,海报可以被3英尺外的观众在3分钟内看懂. 这条规则是为了鼓励主持人向公众清楚地传达他们的信息. 这并不意味着要将演示简化为没有严肃内容的漂亮格式. 而, 目标是以一种简单的方式组织数据和信息的表示, understandable format – a story without large blocks of text. 这样做的目的是为了让展示者像观众一样思考——只把故事的基本元素清晰地呈现出来? The ‘Viewer’ includes not only fellow researchers in your field, but also the entire university audience and ultimately the general public. Streamlining makes the storyline easy to understand. This understanding facilitates interaction. However, the research must still be sound, e.g., conclusions clearly stated and supported by results.”
  4. Keep your poster simple and brief. 海报并不是一个让你把你的整个研究内容贴在一起供人们阅读的地方. 而不是, think of a poster as a series of highly efficient, 有组织的面板(故事板),上面有你想要传达的相关信息的概要,足以让你的观点被理解.
  5. Organize your poster materials using headings, such as Introduction, The Research Question, The Methodology, 和发现, 结论.... These headings will help establish a logical flow to your poster.
  6. 使用足够大的字体,这样人们就不必眯着眼睛阅读材料. For headings, use at least a 48-point font. For text, use nothing less than 18-point (Larger is preferable).
  7. Make your poster visually appealing. 玩得开心. 要有创意. Incorporate color. Use photographs, graphs, charts, maps, and the like. Simplify charts and figures to include only relevant information. Be attentive to the layout and placement of your materials.
  8. Place the title of your work in a prominent position on your poster. Include your name and your faculty sponsor. Add other acknowledgements at the bottom of the poster.
  9. Take great care to plan and organize it well. 确保它以一种有趣的、视觉化的方式传达你想要传达的信息. Ask your faculty mentor to proof your work.
  10. For additional information, please contact Jeffrey Zamostny at jzamostn@sh-fyz.com

Previous 项目

Academic Honors Convocation

每年, 博彩平台推荐每年都会举行荣誉大会,以表彰那些在学业上表现出色的学生.

For over five decades, 博彩平台推荐在荣誉大会上表彰了其优秀学生的成就. Students are selected for awards by the faculty in their disciplines. They must possess at least a 3.总绩点2分,并满足所有额外的部门要求.  这些是博彩平台推荐最优秀、最聪明的学生,他们受到了老师的嘉奖.

The 2024 Honors Convocation will be held on Tuesday, 4月23日, from 5:30pm-7:00pm at the Townsend Center for Performing Arts.

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